Monday, 1 November 2010

Wounds, Hurts

we all got wounded before, falling off a bike or just tripping over something, scrapping our knees and felt the great pircing pain.
if only broken hearts and wounded feelings were that easy to cure.
washing the dirt away and apply some meds on it, without touching it so much, it'll go better.
our feelings are harder to cure because just like fresh wounds, we touch it too often, and it gets infected.
its hard to not 'touch' our feeling when it hurts, we try to find ways to ease the pain a little, just a little, hoping it would help. but time and time again, we fail to do it and ended up hurting ourselves more.
friends who sees our wounds would try all they could to help ease the pain, by making you laugh, helping you forget about it, but it doesnt work because no one else knows what we're going through, no matter how much you tell them.
time heals everything, it does.
but it leaves a scar. the only way to avoid that scar, is to stop touching, or thinking about that part of life, but, thats pretty impossible aint it?
i feel guilty, it seems like maybe, just maybe i could've been there for you.
what kind of friend have i been really, to not be there?
but probably you wouldnt even tell me what you're going through, and you havent.
you never seem to want anyone to worry about you, but what worries people most is when you hide everything it.
i've tried hiding it in, and all i have left now is wall built up, that im afraid to break it down.
afraid that if i do, i might get hurt and wounded again.
if you would have told me about what you're going through, i know i cant help you or save you, but i could at least been there for you.
now all i can even do is pretend i dont even know about it.

Because you're not going to save yourself, not tonight.


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