and recently, God has opened my eyes to them more and more each day.
i'm thankful for the food i get to eat everyday.
but that's just a small small part of what im suppose to be thankful for!
there's so much more that i take for granted everyday.
on friday, i was out with my cousin at atria, walking around and we came into this christian shop, the things there was nice so we just stayed to look around.
after that, a family came in, and they were saying about how nice the things there were.
then something caught my eye.
the little girl, probably only 6 or 7, she had both hands, but only one hand has fingers.
that struck me, and the first thing that came to mind was that she would never be able to play the piano, at least not with both hands.
that was the first thing that came to mind cause i've been weight down by the news of my piano exams months ago, and it was a great wake up call.
i left that shop, with renewed hope and made up my mind, that no matter how busy i am next year, im doing my very best for that exam re-take.
and that i am going to make the most out of it.
and this morning, in church, there was a deaf lady sitting a row infront of me,
it was another reason why im more motivated to do all i can in the re-take.
she would probably not hear the sweet serenade of music just playing and flowing.
but it was so comforting to see her friend, or her family member, sitting beside her, translating the sermon without fail.
everything i look at her, i feel so blessed.
i feel beyond blessed in what i have, that i've taken for granted most of the time.

im still learning, and God as my teacher.
without going through the rain,
how are you,
going to see the rainbow?
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