it's hard for us, human beings to be satisfied. fact is, we will never be satisfied.
because we always want more.
more money, more time, more power. more, more, more. that's all we ever think about.
i'd admit that im like that too., i want more money to spend, more time for last minute things.
we're all humans, we have wants, and we cant satisfied
all of it.
if we were to ask God for a hundred bucks, and He were to give us, we would think, 'dang, why didnt i ask for two hundred instead?'
truth is, non of us will ever be satisfied with what we have.
sure we may be happy at times but when things go bad, w
e ask 'why God? why me?'
we will never be satisfied until we realized that God is really what we need.

Pslams 23:1 "the Lord is my shepherd, i will not be in want.
this doesnt mean that just because God's God, He'll give me whatever i want, therefore i will be satisfied, but it really means that because God is, well, God, i am satisfied with that.
it's hard to grasp this passage because we are constantly in want.
girls see a pair of killer heel or a beautiful dress and they'll want it.
guys see a hot girl or the latest pair of nike shoes and they wanna own it. (i have no idea what interest guys, so yes. (: )
God has already provided so much for all of us.
if you are able to read this, means you're fortunate enough to own a computer or wealthy enough to pay for cyber cafe.
we're all fortunates, we just dont realize it enough.
With what's left of the year,
let's do something different;
something that benefits others,
for a change. :)
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