my view on telling someone about an important exam or upcoming interview is that,
the more people you tell, when you fail, the more people you disappoint.
of course, it works vise versa too.
the more people you tell, when you succeed, the more people you make proud. (wrong sentence construct, i know.)
Which is also why whenever i have a big exam coming up, school exams are excluded because everyone knows about that.
I usually just keep it to myself or maybe just let a few people know, like my leaders and family.
I used to tell everyone i know when i have a big exam or something like that, then i stopped, cause everytime i fail, i feel like i've let them down.
Usually i just don't tell anyone. After you failed something and had to tell that person you've failed because they asked you how was the results, they feel sorry for you and really don't know what to say to you.
To save them the trouble, and myself the embarrassment, it's just better for me to keep it to myself.
Also, it kinda lessen the pressure, When everyone is rooting for you to succeed, the pressure is high and all you think about it to not let them down.
But that's just my view on it. :)