and part of it is true. the other part however is more complicated than the rest.
i've been looking back at my this year's new year resolution. in the 'emotional being' area i wrote that i want to stop looking down or comparing myself to others.
and i didnt even notice it until i read it back, but i really did improve myself in that area.
i'd use to always compare myself, it wasnt a compare myself to feel better but, it was more of a comparison that made me feel bad and make me wish i w
as like them.
And this year, without even noticing it, i slowly shed that part of me and started to realize that my biggest competitor is.. myself.
There's always something that we'd wish we could have done better. Many thinks that if they could go back in time to change something, they would undo one of their mistakes.
but think about it, if you undo that mistake from your life, you'd probably wont be where you are right now.
some people dont like the position that their in, i have no idea who you readers are, but theres probably someone who is proud of you for just being, you! even if they dont show it much.

Everyday, whenever i click that little 'new post' button, i face the fear of writing something insensitive to someone, because thats the last thing on earth that i wanna do. i fearthat i might just type out something that might hurt someone, that might insult them.
The whole reason for this blog is for me to rant, mainly, but also to give hope.
because it was here where i regained my hope.
maybe one day, i'll tell my story, but for now, my main purpose is to share the hope.
If at the end of the day
there's someone out there who has a better day
because of us, then we've succeeded.
-Wong Fu Productions Motto
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