January's a month of fitting in.
Not fitting in like being the new kid in school, but form 4 was more hectic than i've ever known. having to learn the 3 new science subjects was tough at first, i couldnt understand what a 'mole' is in chemistry, i couldn't understand all the laws in physics, i ha
d no clue in biology. But as time passes, i slowly gotten the hang of it and looking back, i was, pretty dumb to not know those simple terms! ;)

February's a month of homeworks.
Trying to understand all the new subjects was the better part, but the learning process wouldn't increase without doing practices. Still at the beginning of the year, everyone was hardworking and finishing up their homeworks, so probably teachers used this opportunity to give us tons of homework, before laziness kicks in.

March's a month of exams and cheer.
Had my last piano theory exam on March. Besides that, having out first term exam starting right after sports day was a really bad timing. Sports day, that was on a friday, woke up early and arrived at school at around 6.30 in the morning. Results were disappointing for us but nevertheless a good effort. Second was not that bad! ;) And after that, exam starts on monday. Despite the business of having to go for cheer pr
actice, and piano lessons, (i still had my practical exam to go) i did manage to make time for studies with resulted in a quite shocking placement. :)

April's a month of non-resting.
Did my first performance in church as an official RIC(Real Ink Crew) member in church during the Holy Saturday in Youth. Miming was new to me and the make-up, took a really long time. Overall it was fun.

May's a month of leadership.
School had just started a little prayer group for all Christians and i had the opportunity to be leading them in worship most of the time. This really helped me exercise some leadership skills and when i first started, it was all a mess but it slowly pr
ogressed to being really, quite good! :)

June's a month of toughness.
Musical practices started already and there was dance practices to go and make-up practice(?) to attend. Honestly, i would do it all over again, i've met many new people and loved the thrill of performing. June was also the month where i had to do hardcore studying and practicing the piano to make up for the time i spend practicing dance. I had one kind of perspective then, 'If only i could spend the same amount of time playing the piano as i did dancing, my playing would probably be better than what i was then.' (:

July was a month of musical! :)
180 The Musical was a blast to do. Having bond with the cast and crew was an amazing experience. So many hours were spent on practices. So many missed dinners on saturday night, but it really was all worth it. After the musical, days felt so empty. It was too good, to describe the feeling. :) and my failed haircut. HAHAH. :)

August's a month of CHRISTMAS!
As weird as it sounds, but yes, i did go to a christmas concert in August. Aubrey Suwito and team were performing in church. It was packed like mad, and it was good. there was so much christmas spirit then! at august! :D

September's a month of goodbyes.
September was a month where people leave for overseas to pursue their studies. One of them was my brother. It was hard to see my brother leave. I wasn't that close to him but still close enough to miss him. This is the guy that i spent 16 years of my birthday with. so yes, i do miss him. ;)

October's a month of hardwork.
October was a sign of the year ending for school. final year exams were a huge headache. Teacher didn't have time to finish the syllabus so it was up to ourselves to study it. And that was tough too considering the fact that we wasn't given enough time. But it went alright, i guess. (:

November's a month of results.
Results were out on November. school's and my piano exams. They weren't very satisfying and my piano exam did make it cry. But i learn to get over it, and next year, i will try my very best, and do it all over again.

December's a month of reflecting, caring and giving. :)
December was the month of camp and Christmas. All about God. It really helped me understand Him more and draw closer to Him. A lot of reflection has been made on this year, and i've realized some things and why it happened in the past.
Every good thing must come to an end, so better things can happen. 2010 has been a fantastic year. 2011 will be a year full of obstacles and i just have to trust God to guide me through this road. As He open up His plans for MY future. :)
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