Lacking sleep. exam's coming up and, let's just say bronze's not good enough for me. :)
I always try to push myself to the furthest i can get. With whatever results i've gotten, i always knew that I could've done something better.
This year, I'm not going to feel that disappointment that swept through me 2 years and 5 years ago when i collected my results.
I've always had high expectations on myself, maybe even too high for me. But then again, maybe it was because i didn't push myself further enough.
Whatever it is, whatever i've went through, that's all in the past. And to be honest, I appreciate every single downfall of life, without it, I wouldn't know what real strength is, I wouldn't know how to count on God, I wouldn't know how far I've come.
I've come so far, but I still have a long way more to go.
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