People change. Everyone change.
It's either for the better or for the worst.
I've seen how much they changed, seen how much they backslide, seen how much they've changed in the way they think.
I, too am guilty of this problem.
I've changed, many, many times. I changed who i really was to fit in, until i realise that I can be better than that.
I've changed because I thought people like them were cool, until i realise that I can never be like them.
I've changed, hopefully for the better, hopefully to give influence to the others.
I've changed, because i want to stay true to who i am, to who God has made me to be.
I hate the fact that I can't talk normally to you anymore.
I hate the fact that I'm losing a close friend.
I hate the fact that looking back, we used to be so close.
I hate the fact that I don't know anything about how you are anymore.
I hate the fact that I don't know you anymore.
And now I'm back at square one, deciding my future.