Tuesday, 29 October 2013


I miss my bubble. 
I miss living in that little bubble. 

Home; is physically far away from where I am, the people I grew up with, the ones I shared my joys, my struggles with, they're no longer a drive or a call away. Sure, technology has been wonderful lately, but taking in the time difference and their own personal lives back home, it's much simpler to keep in touch, but yet, it's not as easy as you would think it is.

I miss that place where I surrounded myself with people of faith, like-mindedness. People whom I knew their past, people whom I have grown up with to have know what they had went through. People whom I know that knows me just as well.

In this strange country with even stranger culture, I don't fit in, and honestly, I don't want to fit in. I don't want to tell myself that it is okay to do something just because everyone else is doing it. I don't want to blend in with the world, because as a Christian, you're not suppose to blend it, you were suppose to stand out from the crowd. The Christian life tells to die to your earthly self, not once in a lifetime, but daily. To rid of sinful desires daily, to repent and ask for forgiveness from the Heavenly One.

I knew it would be different, but I honestly didn't expect it to be this tough. I didn't think that it would be this different.& I weep for the society, for the culture, for the next generation. For they have/are losing their sense of direction, their knowledge of purity, their belief of faith & Christ. There is no sacredness, no privacy. And it happens because, like me, they're broken.

Like me, wretched, broken, lost, confused.
Like me, a sinner.

But the difference between me and them is that I know I'm broken, I realize my wretchedness, I notice my sinfulness. I understand the need for a great God and an obedient Son. I am in awe of the grace shown by the Father, the love & obedience shown by the Son, on that lowly Cross, where my King was crucified and 3 days later, rose again & ascended to heaven to be with the Father so that the Holy Spirit may dwell in us.

It's been almost 3 years since my slow beginning of true faith in Christ. Some days are joyful days, some days, I just struggle so much, trying as hard as I can to not ask God 'why'. (Who am I, to ask God that?) but to just trust Him, that through whatever obstacles I'm going through, my faith in Him will strengthen instead. Not because I've prayed a lot, not because I read the Bible, but because the Spirit enables me to worship God, the Saviour of my soul that had redeemed my life.

Pray for me, as I continue struggling in this culturally different country. Pray that God persevere me in my faith. But most of all, pray that God's Will be done in my life, that I will be submissive to His Will.

"Foes may hate and friends may shun me,
Show Thy face and all is bright."


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