Wednesday, 18 September 2013


"& God will bless you 
with all your hearts desires."

How many of you have heard that? For me, I've heard it too many times. But what do your heart desire? What should your heart desire as a Christian?

God does bless us with all that our hearts desires, because all we should desire is God Himself! And He has already given that to us, on the Cross, when the Son of Man came down to Earth as a man, to die for us, not for Himself because He is wholly pure and wholly sinless and wholly blameless.

Trusting in Christ doesn't mean that if you desire wealth, you will get it. NO! Trusting in Christ means that you desire Christ Himself, because really, what other things in this lifetime is more worth while than Christ Himself? 

When we truly desire Christ with all our hearts, everything else is all a blessing. Isn't it a blessing to just be able to wake up without a leaking roof that you can't afford to fix? Or even waking up each morning itself is such a wonderful blessing of life itself. Knowing that in all things, God is sovereign above all. 

The apostle Paul suffered through his lifetime, he suffered more than most of us did and yet, he had so much joy! Joy in Christ, joy in The Lord, knowing that he is suffering for a greater cause of Jesus Christ Himself. And Paul sees beyond his pain and misery, he looks towards Christ. 

Do you really desire Christ? He is all that you need. Do I really desire Him? I am so amazed by God's amazing grace upon my life, and His love towards me that is so unconditional.

Help me, desire you more, through prayer and the reading of Your precious Word.


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