The past week had been a hectic week of organizing events and such, but what an encouragement the week had been.
The Christian Union (CU) in my Uni had our events week, a week where we focus on evangelism, going out to our campus to show love to others, to talk about God and stuff, things that are usually taboo issues. This was our week where we show the love of Christ within us to the campus, and what a week it had been!

Monday started off with a morning prayer, committing the week into God's hands, reminding ourselves that in all things, we don't work for our own glory, but God's glory. We held a lunchtime events on the topic of "Why are Christians so judgemental?" During this event, we went through the issue of why are Christians so flipping judgemental, but talking through the fact that Christianity doesn't hinge on the good, or the bad of Christians, but it depends on the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ!
Our evening event of a Dial-a-Doughnut(Someone would text in a question about Christianity/faith/God with their location and we'll go to them with a doughnut & their answer!) came flooding in with questions about faith and God. Some pretty good ones that would make us think about it more, others.. well, they just wanted doughnuts. This event helped me to realize how important knowing your Bible is, knowing why you believe what you believe in. But also knowing that it is okay to say,"I don't know how to answer your questions. But I'd like to find out and chat with you about it some more." instead of making up some answers that would probably be some silly ones. This event saw the CU going out in twos or threes, to tell other why we believe in Jesus, answering their questions. And man, what a sight it really was!
Though the day started off gloomy, cold, at the end of it all, we learnt that God's
work is ongoing, even the gloomy Monday blues of English weather won't stop the team from going forth, telling others about Jesus. What an encouragement is it, to see the love for people coming out from the team.
work is ongoing, even the gloomy Monday blues of English weather won't stop the team from going forth, telling others about Jesus. What an encouragement is it, to see the love for people coming out from the team.

Tuesday came with a prayer in the morning, again, committing our day to God to use us as vessels for His good work. The evening quiz with amazing prizes were our only event this day, and we even had a short quiz-a-Christian time while the scores were being counted.
With cloudy weather and the wind blowing, we decided to still have our outdoor/open air acoustic evening. And what a joy it was to be taking the CU outside out four walls of the building we meet in! What a joy to see people coming, wondering what these bunch of people are doing in the cold, but joining, listening to the gospel being shared!
We had a day off on Thursday, which is great to have a rest day.
Our final day (Friday) of the events week had most of us scurrying around the whole day. With prayer in the morning and another lunchtime event on the topic of "Why would a good God allow suffering?" Through this, we were told that if there is no God, then everything would just be.. indifferent. But the very fact that we rage against the wrong in the World shows that we, the World, are not indifferent towards suffering. And to the question that people ask, how can God just stand there and watch? The Christian claim is that He didn't. He sent His Son, because He can't stand there and watch as the world suffers. Christianity doesn't offer you a god on the clouds, but a God on the Cross, and that changes everything!
We ended our week of events with a Big concert on Friday night with a talk on why someone is a Christian. Performances showing us that we shouldn't hide behind a mask because we were made in God's image. And a talk that asks the question : What makes you happy? What gives you satisfaction in life? Points that were mentioned during this talk was that we often don't look on the inward journey. It's not what I can get, but what I can be on the inside. And what Jesus does, is that He refers to Himself, directly and indirectly, as God! Jesus was willing to take it all so that we could have a relationship with God. And that was the joy it was to have as a Christian.
The whole week was just a massive week of encouragement, seeing how God works, seeing His grace in us, His love for us that we want to tell the campus about this undeserving love that we've received. I've personally been so encouraged all week, by people serving behind the scenes, doing small but important things such as flyering, making lunch, setting up and clearing up after each events. I've seen the willingness to serve in the team, to meet up with other students in their own time to answer some questions others have. To have to share more about this love of Christ to others. I've learnt the importance of praying, knowing that sometimes all it takes it the courage to ask a fellow sibling in Christ, "Can I pray for you?" before an event. And to always be reminding each other of why we do events, not for our own glory, but for God's glory in the end.
While the week is over, I'm reminded that the work doesn't stop here. As Christians, we're called to be evangelist, to be sharing the gospel of Jesus everywhere we go, to be taking acts of love and grace to other.
"Oh, I long for nothing more as long as You are glorified. "
-As Long As You are Glorified, Sovereign Grace Music.