Thursday, 11 September 2014


People don't remember. We forget. We forget to do our assignments, our work, to pick up the groceries, to lock the car door, to pay the parking ticket. We're just.. forgetful people. 

We forget people who were once our friends. Sometimes we forget about them, that they were once apart of our lives. We try to forget painful memories and hurtful experiences, but yet, they always keep coming back into our minds. 

The harsh reality is that one day, no one will know who you are. Maybe they will know your name, but would they really know who you are when the doors are closed? Will they know how you treated your friends and family? Will they know you in a personal level? Most likely not. Because if you're an average human being, just like I am, we both will have to face the reality that we will be forgotten. There will be times that you'll feel the internal hurt knowing that you don't matter anymore. 

"And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.' " -Luke 22:19

The last supper with Jesus and He said the following while having His last meal with His disciple before being taken to the cross. He said, "Do this, in remembrance of me".
Could it really be that we would forget Christ and His wonderful works on the cross? Could it be that we won't even remember what our saviour had suffered for our sake? Could it be one day we would think that Jesus doesn't matter anymore? Why would we need something to remember Jesus when He had done the greatest sacrifice and shown God's unconditional love for us by obediently suffering, walking to the cross and bearing the wrath for our sins, and then three days later, rose again, appearing to His disciples and do nothing but showed us how great and almighty and all powerful our God is. 

You would think that you wouldn't need a reminder for something so magnificent and glorious. But yet, we were given a reminder. Because Jesus is God and He knows, that we are bound to forget. We are bound to forget who Christ is, to forget what he has done for us, to forget that Christ had made a way to God, and all we have to do is to repent and believe and work out our salvation, to carry our cross daily and to trust in God's Word. 

I've taken the Holy Communion many times. Churches usually do it once a month as a remembrance of Christ's work on the cross. Knowing why it had to be done, more than the reason for a ritual, and knowing that Christ had sacrifice his body for my sake, to shed his blood for my sin, to die as an atoning sacrifice, to be the passover lamb, once and for all had made it so much more meaningful. To be reminded of His great love, to be reminded of how God has been so merciful, so gracious and so loving. To come to the feet of the cross and repent for my sinful nature, my outbursts of anger, my internal annoyance, my displeasing thoughts, my actions, words and thoughts that were displeasing to God. And to know that because of the Cross, and because of Christ's obedience, and because of God's great love, and because of the Holy Spirit's conviction, I can be forgiven. And oh, how humbling it is to know about it! 

Pray for me, as I work out my salvation, as I learn to see Christ in a more glorious way, that I be humbled at how small I really am, and how great my God is. 
Pray for me, as I learn to grasp the tiniest bit of how majestic and wonderful God is to have sent a saviour for me. 
But most importantly, pray for me, that I will obediently aligned to God's Will in my life. 


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