Monday, 4 February 2013

In Awe.

God is truly truly amazing. Not just in this moment of my life, but He has been throughout my whole life. Guiding me through each and every obstacle, providing a solution for my problems, sometimes I just refuse to take it. 

I am simply in awe of how He guided me, my path, from where I was lost, in the darkness, all alone, and He led me to Himself, He provided me with leaders and friends that I could lean on, that I could learn from. 

As uncertain as the year may be, sometimes all I want to do is to grab hold of everything I could, to regain control, but I have to tell myself to hold back, and allow God to do His work in me. 
When I started to feel like things are going in the wrong direction, I have to remind myself that no matter how hard things go, it'll be for my good, as it is in God's Will. 

And I'm looking forward to every new day.


Saturday, 2 February 2013


Sincerest apologies from this imperfect sinful author.
January has been a hectic month for me, but nevertheless, God has been good, showing grace and mercy. Teaching me about His love for me, and reassuring me that His love is unconditional for me. 

God has been amazing the past month. With a total of 4 weeks of examinations, and the stress level at it's peak in the middle of it all, God shown time and time again how little faith I have in Him, broke me down to build me up again IN Him. Though the process is painful and the journey is tough, I look forward to the end result and to see Christ in all His glory, and to be able to look back at my life and know that I've made an impact to someone. 

Birthday this year was rather quiet, with little surprises by some people. Made me realized that if I leave for University this year, my birthday next year wouldn't be with these special people anymore, and my family wouldn't be there also. 

Today has just been an incredible day for me, new experience and God's perfect Will and how God's timing is perfect in everything, even though I don't see it sometimes. 
Sometimes, it is about spending time with God in prayer instead of rushing to study or research assignments and all. It is knowing that He is sovereign and to trust in His plans for your future, to let go of the love we have for other things, and to just be fully consumed by the love He has for us. 

It is to continuously repent for our sins and beg for forgiveness.
To have constant fights between the Spirit and the flesh. 
To be refreshed by the Word of God.
To do things out of the love He has for us, not out of obligation, but because we want to.
And most importantly, to keep Christ as the centre of our focus.

Let us strive, together, and keep Christ in the centre of our lives and not an add on. 
