Saturday, 30 October 2010

When It Gets Cold

am loving the new layout, dont you? :)
theres still work to be done though, need to get my header done.
but im happy about it!:)

its almost november already!
what have you been doing for the past 10 months?
these months to me were like lessons being learnt, and friendships strengthened.
some months felt like they just flew by, and some just
seem to drag on forever!
But one things clear that i wouldnt trade these 10 months for a smooth sailing week in the world.

lessons were definitely something i learn the most.
from text books to the bible, i've really grown to appreciate things
from the beginning of the year where i have no idea whats a mole, till now, writing equations like its the easiest thing in the world. (it is! (:)

things have changed thats for sure.
bonds were tighten, new friends were made., situation comes and i have to learn how to handle it, obstacles comes and i have to learn to jump over it instead of running in the other direction as how i used to.
honestly, i wish i could do that. :)
i wish i could draw too! i get so jealous looking at sketches draw by others. hmm. :)
hopefully ill get my writing mojo back! :)

everyone wants to save others,
but no on wants to save themselves;
everyone wants to change the world,
but they have to first change themselves.


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