we've all been insulted at least once in our life.
and its not the best feeling in the world, insults could just be taken lightly, or some might just take it to heart.
whatever the person receiving it feels, you know that its not a nice feeling.
insults could really lower someone's self esteem. calling people names could make them feel unappreciated. they will have a lost of confident, thinking that maybe, just maybe, the person throwing insults could be right about them.
insults could be a misleading path that some take because they dont feel like they deserve a chance to feel the security some people felt.
and what a shame it will be to see one being let down by the words of harshness that people throw at them.
sometimes even small insults would make one break down.
they probably wont break down infront of you, but behind those closed doors, what do you know that happening there? they might be breaking down, feeling in tear, lost in confusion in why you might say those things about them.
insults are probably one of the things that agonized the feeling most.
one sentence of insult could trigger a person's emotions and make them think for hours about what their counteractive personality instead of what people like most about them.

insults could be taken the other way around too.
some might use other people's harsh word as a way to improve oneself and try to be a better person then they were before.
they will try to build up in the ways they were lacking.
these kind of people are probably the happiest people you'll see in life, taking in negative comments and reinvent themselves.
insults could really change one's life, so stop insulting y'all!
its bad for you AND the other person.
when something hurts, it becomes a burden that some carries through their lives;
help lessen the burden of the world, will you? :)