decisions, we all make it all the time. everytime.
some saves lifes, some dont. but we're constantly making choices to suit whether its ourselves or others.
i know i've made decisions for this year, commitment to keep, goal that i have to achieve.
and if you probably dont know me that well, i HAVE to achieve it.
but what if somethings bring you down?

thinking back about how much ive grown. physically, mentally, emotinally and of course, spiritually.
i've learn to stand up again when i fall, which is how i can run now.
i've learn to knows whats best for me, which is why i want the best of others too.
i've learn to control myself, and feeling within me, and learn to help others out of it too.
and spiritually?
i dont know how to describe that wonderful feeling.
i've been growing so so much in Him, that talking to Him is already a ritual thing to me. He has proved to me how much He cared. and i've been loving Him, my God more and more each day.
and i've learned, to get over the things that makes me cry, but sometimes, holding it in could be bad too. and He knows, He'll tell me to get it out and let it go, giving all my toubles, worries to Him.
i've learned that life isnt easy. dad once told me, ' the only way to get away from worries, troubles, is to be six foot underground' he was right. and theres no way escaping it. running away from challenges, conflicts, it has always been my way of solving it. but i know now that running away doesnt solve anything, it makes things worst. giving thoughts to that, im also tired of running away.
and recently, i've learned, to not let what people say affect what you really want to do. people can be mean, i've heard thousands of insult, either jokingly or seriously thrown right in my face. some i'll laugh it off, but some just hurt right in the heart. but when rumors are out, theres no way to stop it. and i know that they dont have to know the truth, as long as i do, and Big Daddy too.
i dont care what they say about me, its alright
-all day
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