honestly i can say that it has been the best. at least much much better than last year.
instead of focusing on who's gonna give me what on that day, i decided to just thank the Lord for how He has brought my through 16 years of my life. it's been a struggle thats for sure. but i knew the risk was that mr sa.tan would be trying to bring me down over and over again if i keep maturing in Christ.
This year, i kept my focus on Him and no one else. and He sure did surprise me in so many ways i wouldnt never dreamt of.
two surprises by two groups of friends, two cakes/ cupcakes, one ice cream apple pie and one very very cute waiter. ;)
to everyone who wished me, by text, by calls, in person or by facebook. thank you so much. i really thank the Lord for all of you. wishes that came in from 12.00 am onwards. messages that were just so awfully sweet.
being 16 is just a number. but being with the ones i love most is what matters. and i can honestly say that i've been growing, mentally, physically, spiritually. knowing there's so many people that's willing to be there for me, to listen to my thoughts.
girls from school( manda drea kitee crys rittie vin and yasmin) celebrated it on thursday. you guys are just as sweet as the cake okaay! :)
friends from church( gosh, theres so many! you know who you are right? or ill be writing for 50 pages!) thank you so much! besides the torturing me part by making me blow off the candles and the streamers. but you all were awesome! :)
plus the cute waiter who wished me! THANK YOU! (: (: (: (drea, im still going gaga over guys. BEAR WITH IT! :D )
THANK YOU ALL OF YOU who made my day, really really joyful and emotional. :') you guys shall be in the history of Hannah Ong! (:
tonight,ishallshutmyeyesand covermyears,allyouhavetodoispullthetriggerandgetitoverwith.
Dont know where she belongs
-Nobody's home