i cant handle so many things, at this one time.
where were everyone when i really needed them anyway?
found out a few things today, and believe me, it was a few too many.
honestly, i feel like going M.I.A. for a few day, weeks even if i could.
i cant handle it. i cant handle thing. i cant do this. everything.
i feels like when i've just had one thing done, another couple came to me like a rush.
truthfully, i cant seem to remember the last time i've laughed so hard until my stomach hurts and tears are streaming down and i just couldnt seem to stop laughing.
but i do remember the last time i cried. it wasnt tears of joy, that's for sure.
sure i've laughed, but i guess theres just something inside that wasnt that happy.
i feel happier, i do. but i cant seem to be laughing as much as i was last time.
what happened? i guess you can say i asked myself that question everyday too.
the world seem so upside down nowdays.
it feels like nothing is happening the way it should be.
maybe it's just me, maybe im just scared.
scared for what the future holds
scared for what might happen
scared for the truth
scared for the lies
scared for untold secrets
scared for untold stories
scared for untold feelings
scared.. just because.
my life, i seem so boring, so plain, so.. GAAHH now
everything all around me seem to be moving in a fast forward speed while im stuck with the normal speed.
or maybe they're at the normal speed and im just in the "backward(?)" speed.
i cant seem to catch up with things.
i always seem to be lagging behind and just so.. invisible.
it feels like a show's over and everyone's leaving when i've just got in and sat down.
do you know how that feels?
and somehow,i find it easy to get the small quote at the bottom of the page.
though these few days its not quotes but a short passage.
but it's been really easy for me to think of it.

banana. :) -LOUD! 08
he cuppedhercheeksandtoldher,'girl,imnotgoingforanythingbutthebest,andthat'syou.' :)
you're talking to her and messing with me;
oh, now you care;
the sun rises theres no more you and i;
-how you love me now?
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