Saturday, 28 April 2018


As a nine-month-old adult, there is much that I have yet to learn. There is much future to contemplate as someone just starting out. What do I want to do for the rest of my life? Where do I want to accomplish these desires in? What kind of pathway do I want to take for my career? What are my priorities in life? Where will life lead me, where will God lead me? 

Over the past few years, the one thing that keeps coming back to my mind is contentment. Contentment in Christ. It is so easy to say "Christ is enough", we sing it all the time, but yet when things get tough, when it doesn't go our way, will Christ still be enough for us?

Being content and trusting that God works for the good of His people, according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Being content is not just "letting go and letting God", I believe that it is more than that, it is holding all you have with an open palm. It's doing and going for opportunities that come, but allowing God to close the doors that aren't right. It is holding our desires secondary to the advancement of God kingdom.

And that's hard, that is so difficult to do. Which is why contentment isn't something that comes naturally to us. We're people who strive for the next best thing, once our goals are achieved, we continue to find new goals, new targets, we're never satisfied. We have 10-year goals, 5-year goals, things that we would like to achieve before we turn 25, 30, 60! And those aren't bad things, having goals keeps us going, it prevents us from being idle. But how do you balance between being overly ambitious but also being content in Christ and His finished work on the Cross?

That's why contentment in Christ is learned. As Paul had learned how to be content in whatever situation he is in (Philippians 4:11).

I think that contentment is learned through chasing ambitions, but the constant, intentional self-reminder of Christ throughout our day. It's the open palm humility to allow God to lead and guide you, trusting that He is good. And when Satan plants the seed of doubt in your mind, telling you that God isn't good, that He doesn't love, run back to the feet of the Cross and see the gift that this good, loving Father has given. The gift of life, one that cost Him everything. It is what flow from knowing God's goodness and His word, and living it out in our lives, trusting Him, even when things are bleak, difficult, when things don't seem right, when God's people are suffering, and we think, how are these things working for the good of His people, the good of God's glory?

Learning to be content in Christ is a daily decision to allow God to work, to choose Christ daily, to have eternity in mind, not just the here and now. Contentment is realising that our lives on Earth are merely a mist compared to eternity.

Learning contentment is putting God's glorification above my own self-satisfaction.

And oh, how much more I still have to learn. To say 'yes' and chase wise opportunities, but also learn to be content, trusting in God's sovereignty and grow in faith when disappointments arise.


Sunday, 1 April 2018

God Glorified.

"Why do you look for the living among the dead?
He is not here; He has risen!"
Luke 24:5-6

How glorious that the One who sacrificially died to give us life, does not remain dead in the grave, but conquered and defeated sin.

How glorious that the One who suffered for our sake, though faultless himself, died so that through His death, we can be counted righteous. 

How glorious that God's way of redemption wasn't a physical redemption, but an eternal redemption. 

And so we wait for the day when Christ returns, to restore, to judge, so that we can praise Him perfectly forevermore. 
