Tuesday, 26 April 2016


Looking back, there were many times when I was gripped by fear; fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of my own safety, fear of trials, uncertainty, fear of examination, interview, life.

Maybe we are the generation that has the privilege to work for what we want instead of our survival. We were given the option and because of the varied choice and multiple paths, the world at our disposal, that we are more fearful of the things to come. The world is much smaller now than it was a few decades ago.

Maybe because of this, we have a sense of entitlement, that we deserved something because of how we were raised or the culture we were brought up in.

But yet, the things we fear are so menial compared to what we should fear. We fear things like spider, not getting your first class degree, your dream job, when we should fear the fact that we are not working to please God, that we are not honouring Him with our words, that we don't praise Him or glorify Him enough.

Maybe the bottom conclusion is that we don't fear God Himself enough. We don't look at his mighty works through Jesus with awe, we don't listen, and really listen, to God's Words through Scripture anymore. Our priority is no longer God-centred, but self-centred. We are constantly working to please our thirst for more. More power, more money, more experience, more cars etc. While not all things are bad, we could be working to satisfy our hunger for more prayer, more time spent with the Scripture, more biblical teaching etc. But do we?

I am not to say that I have reached the goal of perfection, far far far from it, actually. But my thoughts are that if one day, when perfectly and completely sanctified, my priorities would be nothing but Christ's priorities, my thoughts would be nothing but Christ's thoughts, my actions would reflect Christ's actions, and that would be the day that my fear of the temporary would stop crippling me and holding me down.

But there is no reason to fear, no reason to be afraid of failure, of not getting the dream job. There is no reason for that because as Christians, our future is fully secured in Christ. Our eternal future, the one future that matters the most is sealed with much grace, much love and the blood of Christ. And fear of the temporary, is undermining God's rule over your life. And that's so challenging, but depend on Him, the One who will see you through all trials.  

“God could have over-ruled every difficulty in your way, had he seen it expedient. But he is pleased to show you, that you depend not upon men—but upon himself; and that, notwithstanding your situation, may exclude you from some advantages in point of outward means. He who has begun a good work in you, is able to carry it on, in defiance of all seeming hindrances, and make all things (even those which have the most unfavorable appearances) work together for your good.” 
- John Newton. The Letters of John Newton
