Friday, 18 December 2015


What do you dream about? What do you wish for when you look up towards the sky?

People will tell you to shoot for the moon, because even if you missed, you'll land among the stars. But if you're anything like me, when you shoot for the moon , you don't want to land among the stars, you'll want to land on the moon!

The past few years I've seen myself go through disappointments over and over again. I've been crushed by my high expectations of self. But yet, through it all, I saw God's guiding light through them all, breaking me down, building me back up, teaching me, molding me, guiding me to where I should be, instead of where I think I want to be.

In the season of Christmas, what does Christmas mean to you? Surely it's more than just the festive food, cute jumper and presents? Family and friends gathering and Christmas movies? All great things to have and to be thankful for, but is that... it? 

But what if Christmas is so much more than just those?

Christmas, the beginning of extraordinary love, God came down, to live as man, to die not as He deserved, but as our sins deserved, but also to be raised again to the right hand of God.
Christmas, the birth of mankind's one and only saviour.
Christmas, the most confusing, yet most loving gesture shown to men. The Son of God came to wash us clean, to serve us, to feel our pain, to reunite us to the Father.
Christmas, grace upon grace already received.

Christmas time is when Christians remember the humble birth of a baby, who will one day rescue us. It's the humble beginning of a certain future for all of us who believes. It's because we no longer need to wish for something, but can have certain and secure hope of a glorious future with God when Christ returns.

And until that day comes, we continue to struggle, to live in a fallen world, to fight with our earthly desires, but know that victory is of Christ by His work on the Cross.
And till then, we'll weep for the injustice, cry out for mercy, and thank Him for grace.
For when Christ returns, we shall rejoice and be with him forevermore, and our tears of sorrows and frustration will be replaced by tears of joy.

"When all around my soul gives way, 
He then is all my hope and stays."
-The Solid Rock 
