Monday, 17 February 2014


How much are you willing to sacrifice? For the ones you love? For the ones you just met? For the ones you don't even know? How much are you willing to sacrifice for the gospel?

How much Christ was willing to sacrifice was simple, to the point of death on the Cross. Jesus' willingness to suffer and sacrifice, so that through Him, us Christians can be united with God. Through Christ, we can communicate directly with the Father, there was no need to sacrifice a lamb for the sins we had committed, because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. And why did God so willingly sacrifice His Son for us? Because He loved us so. 

If loving means to sacrifice, and as followers of Jesus we are called to love, doesn't that mean that we are also called to sacrifice? Our time, our finance, our pride and ego, for the sake of the Gospel. As I write this, I too am reminded that I am called to sacrifice my life for the Word of God. I am called to the paradox of Christian living, to lose my life, so that I may gain it. I am called to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, to proclaim the Word of God, the love of God that we do not deserve at all, the grace that was shown to us through the Cross. 

"I did nothing, the Word did everything" - Martin Luther

Oh! How true those words are! I am merely a sower, or water-er but it is God who makes the plant grow. And ultimately, I have nothing to boast for in my works, but may I only boast in the amazing work of Jesus Christ the Lord. 

God sees the depths of our hearts and still love us the same. How amazing, how undeserving and how selfless that love is. That the creator of this universe so lovingly forgives us and loves us, though we have sinned against Him. If my limited capacity of my mind thinks that this God is so mighty, I can't imagine how much more mighty and wonderful He really is. In my limits, God is limitless.

Pray for me, as I learn to sacrifice, and as I begin to truly live out the true meaning of the love shown for me on the Cross to others.
