Sunday, 22 January 2012


We don't realize how short life is, we don't realize that just by a blink of an eye, everything fades away. Because one day, one fine day, what if we don't wake up from our sleep?
What if one day we got into a fatal accident, what if one day we got so sick that it wasn't even hopeful for you to live? What if.
We don't understand how precious every second spent with family and friends are. With just one second, your whole life changes. Every second, every minute and every moment spent with someone, without telling them about the love of God, is time wasted away, a slow way of killing them, literally.

 How do you understand God's love? Even I don't understand how in depth and how sacrificial His love towards my life is. Sometimes, I don't understand why in the world would someone like God to sent Christ for me, but I am thankful for it.
Whether it is the common grace given to me, or the saving grace, I am grateful for Christ no matter what.

Why do I love? I love because God first love me, it's hard to love people, but can you imagine the holy God loving us, sinner? Can you imagine Him sending His son for a bunch of rebels like us?
What does it all come down to? To glorify God and to show God in full glory. God is love, but He is also a God of wrath. He cannot tolerate sin, he cannot tolerate our sinful nature, our sinful desires and the way we think that does not glorify Him. Yet, he was willing to sacrifice for us, to show us grace, and mercy.

People we love may just leave our sides anytime, when they do, will they one day look back and turn to you with tears in their eyes, asking you why you didn't tell them about Christ?


Monday, 2 January 2012


Happy new years everyone. I know I'm a little late but I've been real busy.

Looking back at what last year has been to me, it really made me realise how good God is in my life and how faithful He has been. (though He has always been faithful). As 2011 was an exam year for me, i thought that I would have some mental breakdown because of all the stress, but thank God I didn't. Though I too, struggle to try and keep my studies and my time with God, I sometimes fail but it really was God's grace and strength that i had managed to get through the whole exam period without any breakout whatsoever.

Trusting God has been really clear in 2011 too, just trusting Him and know that whatever comes my way, now or the future, it might not have been in my plan, but it was in God's plan for my life. Whatever decision that was tough to make or whatever situation that I will go through, I've learnt that I have a choice, to face it or to run away from it. This is important reminder to me because so many times I run away from things, and I don't face them head first.

2011 has been a good year. It's hard to believe that a new year has come already, and I'm starting college.. tomorrow, actually. :) I don't feel much being in 2012, but it'll certainly be a good year when God is the center of your priorities.

Hello 2012, and goodbye 2011.
