Friday, 28 October 2011

Not Now.

"You made my heart beat faster, and cause my stomach to have a funny feeling. And I hate every single second of that."

No distractions, especially not now. 

2 weeks left before I step into that exam classroom and sit for the final examination of high school.
It's hard to put God first in times like these, but I'm trying, and I'm struggling. Only by His strength that I am able.


Tuesday, 4 October 2011

New Beginnings.

She used to be a perky cheerful girl, all smiles everywhere she went. ; Now, her smile is faded away, a tired look in her eyes and a worn outface.

She used to be talkative, an extrovert, talking about things that don't even matter. ; Now, she's quiet, distant, kept more to herself. She realised that people don't listen so why bother saying anything?

She used to be the one giving out help, helping in every way she could. ; Now, she's the one who needs help, a silent cry for someone to finally notice her problem.

I just want it all to be over.


Monday, 3 October 2011


I dreamt of a girl trying so hard to please everyone. With everyone's high expectation, she just wanted to run free from all of it.

Little did i know, my stress was making me dream about myself.
