Saturday, 27 August 2011

Close Your Eyes.

Close your eyes for a minute, what do you see yourself doing or where do you see yourself at?

When i do that, i imagine myself on a beach. with the wind blowing through my hair, messing it up with tangles that i will soon hate to comb through. but I imagine myself carefree, without a worry, not a thought about the hectic-ness of life is. but just enjoying the sand, sea and wind.

I really need a getaway.


Saturday, 20 August 2011


The other day i opened this empty closet and just sat in it.
like with whole body including my legs in the closet, i sat there, just thinking.
So tired of everything. tired of trying and failing, tired of getting sick. tired of failing, tired of feeling alone.
i was there for about 10 minutes, and i realized, life goes on, no matter what.
Whenever i'm lonely, i have someone to count on, i have God, there for me.
as for trying and failing, it's all part of life.

been sleeping at 3am these few night.
3 more months and counting, it's full on straight charge toward to finish line.
not forgetting the word of God though. :) as God has been gracious toward me. :)

So, here's to the hearbreakers.


Sunday, 14 August 2011


You're everything to someone. Don't ever forget that.

Sunday, 7 August 2011


Have you ever thought about how harmful words are?
Have you ever thought about that one sentence you said that hurt someone?
Have you ever wondered whether you should be mute instead, to keep you from hurting someone else?

If i have been quiet lately, I just thinking, whether i really should shut up to stop hurting people.


Wednesday, 3 August 2011


"Let me say, You look so beautiful on our wedding day. "
JRA- By chance (you & I)

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


I'm beginning to wonder if they were right about me.
That maybe, just maybe, there is something wrong with me.